Instructional Clinic | Our Services
Golf Clinic: Add On for your Scramble Outing
For a flat fee, one of our team members can arrive early to your event and conduct an instructional clinic for the players. This clinic can be seamlessly paired with one of our aforementioned games as part of your charity golf outing. The recommended clinic duration is 45-60 min, but we can customize it to best suit your event. We can cover various aspects of the game, including full swing, wedges, short game, putting, and course management. We recommend focusing on 1 or 2 areas most. Our team member will demonstrate and provide hands on feedback to the group so they can play their best golf. There will also be a segment for Q&A during our clinic. Furthermore, this is also a great opportunity for players to learn more about our California Golf Events athlete prior to tee off, as they share their knowledge and passion for the game. Our educational and engaging clinic can be a fantastic way to kick off your event and help players enhance their skills.