Our Services
One of our team members is stationed on a par 3, inviting the group to challenge them to a closest-to-the-pin contest. They will begin by introducing themself and letting the group know the goal for the day, as they talk a little bit about the charity/initiative we are supporting. Our team member will then present different donation tier options to the group, where they can select the option that best suits them. Every participating player will also receive raffle tickets for an exciting courtesy prize that California Golf Events (CGE) provides. The group will then proceed to hit with the opportunity to “beat the pro” (closest to pin) and potentially lower their score on that hole. If a player from the group gets closer to the pin than the Pro they will double their raffle tickets. This signature game is our most popular, as it has a strong track record of raising the greatest amount of money.
Long Drive Contest: Par 4 or 5
A California Golf Events athlete will be stationed on either a par 4 or 5, engaging with the players about their round and the hole layout for this contest. Our team member will once again begin by introducing themself and letting the group know the goal for the day, as they talk a little bit about the charity/initiative we are supporting. They will then present the various donation tier options and invite the players to challenge them in a long drive contest. If the group donates, they can earn an advantage on the hole (the ability to drop closer to the green) and will collect raffle tickets for an exciting courtesy raffle prize provided by CGE. All players will hit a drive from their appropriate tee box, and if 1 player from the group outdrives the pro (ball must be in the fairway), their entire group doubles up their raffle tickets.
Trackman Advantage
Trackman is a cutting edge, $25,000 golf radar that California Golf Events can station on one of the holes at your golf event. For a flat donation, the group can choose to participate in the “Trackman Advantage”. As always, our team member will introduce themself to each group and speak about the initiative we are supporting. Trackman provides valuable data and feedback for each shot hit, earning its rank as the #1 golf radar trusted by tour pros and teaching professionals worldwide. More information about Trackman can be found at https://www.trackman.com/golf/launch-monitors/trackman-4 . As for how Trackman can be utilized, we offer various games. Send us a message to learn more!
Instructional Clinic
For a flat fee, one of our team members can arrive early to your event and conduct an instructional clinic for the players. This clinic can be seamlessly paired with one of our aforementioned games as part of your charity golf outing. The recommended clinic duration is 45-60 min, but we can customize it to best suit your event. We can cover various aspects of the game, including full swing, wedges, short game, putting, and course management. We recommend focusing on 1 or 2 areas most. Our team member will demonstrate and provide hands on feedback to the group so they can play their best golf. There will also be a segment for Q&A during our clinic. Furthermore, this is also a great opportunity for players to learn more about our California Golf Events athlete prior to tee off, as they share their knowledge and passion for the game. Our educational and engaging clinic can be a fantastic way to kick off your event and help players enhance their skills.